
Illustration by Simon Landrein

Do museums and galleries do enough for disabled visitors?

Richard Sandell and Chris Ingram discuss why museums still have a long way to go before they can claim to offer a fully accessible experience

28 Oct 2019
Installation view of ‘Damien Hirst: Mandalas’ at White Cube, Mason’s Yard, London, 2019.

The misplaced outrage over Damien Hirst’s dead butterflies

From sepia to rabbit skin glue – Hirst’s butterfly wings are far from the only animal products used to make art

30 Sep 2019

What are museums really for?

The perceived role of museums in society has grown enormously in recent years – but how far does that reflect what they actually are?

23 Sep 2019
Interior of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London, photographed in 2014.

The Whitechapel Bell Foundry should be a working factory, not a boutique hotel

Why is Historic England supporting a developer’s plans when there’s a better proposal waiting in the wings?

19 Sep 2019
A collapsed block of ice-rich permafrost at Drew Point, north Alaska.

Polar bare – how climate change is destroying archaeologically rich sites in the Arctic

Thawing permafrost means the near-perfect preservation of ancient material in the Arctic will soon be a thing of the past

18 Sep 2019
Nerve Visual Gallery in Derry

The closure of Nerve Visual in Derry is a real loss for the region

The building that once played host to the Turner Prize now stands empty. Where does this news leave Derry?

12 Sep 2019
Illustration by Graham Roumieu/Dutch Uncle

Is the writing on the wall for the private funding of museums?

As wealthy donors and corporate sponsors come under increased scrutiny, Maxwell L. Anderson and David Fleming address the future of museum funding

27 Aug 2019
Air raid damage to the Naval Gallery at the Imperial War Museum, London, 31 January 1941. Photo: © IWM

‘The elephant in this gallery is the cultural property seized by British troops in the 19th century’

An exhibition about cultural destruction in modern conflicts can’t help but remind us of earlier wars

27 Aug 2019
Uffizi director Eike Schmidt in front of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, at the reopening of the gallery’s room dedicated to the artist in 2016.

How have the Italian museum reforms fared?

In 2015, Dario Franceschini’s modernising project heralded a newly international outlook for the Italian museum system. Is it sustainable?

27 Aug 2019
Detail from Victor Arnautoff’s The Life of Washington mural at George Washington High School in San Francisco.

The George Washington murals are meant to make viewers uncomfortable

A public high school is the perfect place to consider the flaws of America’s founding fathers

22 Aug 2019
Interior view of the crater of Mount Vesuvius, as it was before the eruption of 1767; detail of a plate in William Hamilton, Campi Phlegraei (1776).

Unlocking the secrets of Vesuvius

As Pompeii yields up ever more discoveries about the Roman world, we should not forget that the site still holds clues to the behaviour of volcanoes

16 Aug 2019
Orpheus Enchanting the Animals (16th century), attributed to Titian’s workshop.

It’s an enchanting thought – but did Titian have a hand in the Wellington Orpheus?

The newly restored painting at Apsley House was probably executed by an artist on the margins of the master’s workshop

2 Aug 2019
The EU’s new regulation on the import of cultural goods is about to make the process of buying and selling art and archaeological finds between countries slower and more complicated

Deciphering the EU’s new rules on the import of cultural goods

Regardless of Brexit, new regulations aimed at curbing illicit trafficking are going to make buying and selling art more complicated

10 Jul 2019
Leon Kossoff. Photo: © Toby Glanville; courtesy Annely Juda

‘It was in London that he belonged’ – remembering Leon Kossoff

A tribute to the great painter of London’s urban landscapes, who has died at the age of 92

8 Jul 2019
Illustration by Graham Roumieu/Dutch Uncle

Is the art world too obsessed with celebrity?

Stephen Patience and Kate Bryan wonder if famous faces can make art more accessible – or do they just get in the way?

1 Jul 2019
The central sculpture hall of the Glasgow (now Kelvingrove) Art Gallery and Museum, newly opened for the Glasgow International Exhibition of 1901.

What hope for civic museums?

In the last decade local authority funding for museums has declined rapidly – but are some reasons for optimism emerging?

28 May 2019
Illustration by Graham Roumieu/Dutch Uncle

Should Notre-Dame be reconstructed faithfully?

Paul Binski and Douglas Murphy weigh in on the debate over how Paris’s great cathedral should be rebuilt post-fire

28 May 2019
Drinking vessels with decorated gilt necks at the Prittlewell site.

Unearthing the secrets of the Anglo-Saxon world

Paganism and Christianity are intertwined in the hoard of rare artefacts found in a princely burial site in Essex

24 May 2019
A mosque closed by authorities in Kashgar, Xinjiang province, photographed on 28 June 2017.

The razing of mosques is the next step in China’s crackdown on Uyghur culture

When a million Uyghur Muslims in China are being held in detention, the demolition of mosques comes as no surprise

16 May 2019
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian at the opening of her exhibition at The Third Line, Dubai, in March 2013.

‘Hers was a life of adventure, wonder, separation and survival’ – on Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian

The Iranian artist’s distinctive mirror and glass sculptures were inspired by the architecture of her native country

1 May 2019
Billboard poster for the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Berlin, spring 2019.

Boris Johnson and the Backstreet Boys – Berlin’s take on Brexit

From political billboards to karaoke-fuelled performance art, Brexit is a looming presence in the city

25 Apr 2019
Photo: © The Fitzwilliam Museum

In defence of the university museum

Headlines attacking UK universities for spending money on art are deeply misguided

23 Apr 2019
Illustration by Simon Landrein

Do volunteers still have a place in museums and cultural organisations?

The Art Fund is disbanding its volunteer network – is the culture sector becoming too professional?

23 Apr 2019
Le Quai Saint Michel et Notre-Dame de Paris (detail; 1901), Maximilien Luce. Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

‘Notre-Dame’s fortunes have merged with the destiny of France itself’

Over the centuries Notre-Dame de Paris has become much more than a place of worship – it is a symbol of a nation

18 Apr 2019