
Woman Standing in Front of a Mirror (detail; 1841), C. W. Eckersberg.

The Danish artists who struck gold in the depths of disaster

Denmark was beset by catastrophes in the early 19th century – but its painters flourished

26 Sep 2019
Aizuhongo ware covered container (20th century), Japan. Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Tokyo

The East Asian and Nordic artists who found common ground

The West’s borrowings from Japanese modernism are well known – but an exhibition in Helsinki shows that the traffic moved both ways

25 Sep 2019
Alexander taming Bucephalus (c. 1800), Antoine-Jean Gros. Photo: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre)/Michel Urtado

Battle lines – the tortured genius of Antoine-Jean Gros

An exhibition of drawings at the Louvre reflects the artist’s struggle between his warring inclinations

13 Sep 2019
My Self-portrait (detail; 1927), Sarah Affonso.

A forgotten Portuguese modernist finally has her moment

Although she struggled to forge a career, Sarah Affonso never gave up making art, as two overlapping exhibitions in Lisbon reveal

12 Sep 2019

Tureen dreams – an extraordinary collection of delftware comes to light

A collection of Dutch delftware on long-term loan to the Gemeentemuseum den Haag is a feast for the eyes

4 Sep 2019
Timothy Spall as L.S. Lowry in Mrs Lowry and Son (2019)

Matchstick men at the pictures – Mrs Lowry and Son, reviewed

Timothy Spall and Vanessa Redgrave co-star as the artist and his mother in this claustrophobic portrait of domestic dysfunction

2 Sep 2019
St Sylvester raising the Magi from the Dead (detail), c. 1340, Maso di Banco, fresco. Bardi di Vernio Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence

Roger Fry, Renaissance man

The polymath’s taste-making had much to do with his intensive study of Italian artists such as Giotto and Piero della Francesca

Woman Reading (detail; c. 1880–81), Édouard Manet. Art Institute of Chicago

Making the case for late Manet

The painter’s once unfairly dismissed late works are full of possibilities he didn’t live long enough to explore

29 Aug 2019
Madonna at the Fountain (detail; 1439), Jan van Eyck.

Van Eyck does the best he can in Vienna

A focused display at the Kunsthistorisches Museum brings the painter’s ingenuity to the fore

28 Aug 2019
War (detail; 2003), Paula Rego.

Paula Rego pictures a world of pain

A survey of the artist takes us to a land of sinister magic not so different to our own

26 Aug 2019
Weeping Crabapple (2009), Helen Frankenthaler.

How Helen Frankenthaler made her mark on the world of printmaking

An initiative spearheaded by the artist’s foundation is spreading her passion for prints across the US

21 Aug 2019
Nous deux (1972), Huguette Caland.

Curve sketching – the sensuous lines of Huguette Caland

Relationships between bodies – filial, friendly or romantic – are at the heart of the Lebanese artist’s paintings and drawings

20 Aug 2019
Blown Away contestant Leah Kudel at work.

Does glassmaking make good television? ‘Blown Away’, reviewed

A new series makes the most of the spectacle that is glass-blowing in action – and adds a competitive element

16 Aug 2019
Sigmund Freud’s reproduction print of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’ Oedipus and the Sphinx by Ingres (1808).

Mummy issues – how ancient Egypt shaped Sigmund Freud

The land of the pharaohs loomed large in the imagination of the father of psychoanalysis

13 Aug 2019
Night House with Lit Window (2012), Lois Dodd.

Out of the ordinary – Lois Dodd’s keen eye for the everyday

From seaside Maine to the streets of Manhattan, Dodd’s paintings depict the world around her

7 Aug 2019
The Two Travellers (1942; detail), Jack B. Yeats.

An unlikely couple? Lucian Freud and Jack B. Yeats, reviewed

It may sound like an implausible pairing – but this exhibition on the two painters succeeds by not making forced connections

6 Aug 2019
Panel showing the soldier martyrs Basiliskos and Priskos in the Rotunda (Church of St George), Thessaloniki, built between 305-11; mosaics from the 5th or 6th century.

Heavenly bodies – a monumental study of an early Byzantine masterpiece

The mosaics of the Rotunda at Thessaloniki can be seen more clearly than ever before in this essential book about the building

6 Aug 2019
Installation view of ‘Jacqueline Humphries’ at the Dan Flavin Art Institute, Bridgehampton, New York. On the right hangs Painting (2019).

Seeing is not believing in the art of Jacqueline Humphries

The artist’s mysterious glowing sculptures invite viewers to wonder what they actually are

1 Aug 2019
Your uncertain shadow (colour) (2010), Olafur Eliasson. Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection, Vienna.

Fog, lights and Lego – Olafur Eliasson at Tate Modern, reviewed

The artist and climate activist’s installations have changed our perceptions of what art can be

1 Aug 2019
Still Life (Natura Morta) (1949), Giorgio Morandi.

How Morandi made the Old Masters modern

The reclusive painter rarely left Bologna – but he pored over pictures of faraway masterpieces in books and journals

29 Jul 2019

Face masks – the enigmatic art of Helene Schjerfbeck

The first UK show dedicated to the Finnish painter reveals an artist fascinated with questions of image and identity

25 Jul 2019
Moret, Winter (1895), Maurice Cullen.

French Canadians – how Impressionism caught on in the Great White North

This welcome survey of Canadian artists shows how the quintessentially Parisian style was imported and reimagined

25 Jul 2019
Krishna and Radha walking by the Jumna by moonlight having exchanged clothes (detail; c. 1820), Kangra. © The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.

Artists anonymous – what does it mean for a work’s maker to be unknown?

A group of objects by unknown artists from around the world and across the centuries makes for a catalogue of human ingenuity

24 Jul 2019
Southend Pier (c. 1882–84), James McNeill Whistler. Freer Gallery of Art

When Whistler discovered watercolour

Financial troubles drove the artist to the medium – but its atmospheric possibilities suited him well

23 Jul 2019