
'Leonor Antunes: the frisson of the togetherness', installation view at the Whitechapel Gallery, London. Photo: Nick Ash

History lessons with Leonor Antunes

A new site-specific work at the Whitechapel reminds us of overlooked women artists

13 Dec 2017
'Hollywood Africans', detail, 1983, Jean-Michel Basquiat. Whitney Museum of American Art

The myth of Basquiat threatens to eclipse his art

The Barbican survey’s biographical focus detracts from the fervent energy of the paintings themselves

12 Dec 2017
Sir Hans Sloane, Bt, 1736, Stephen Slaughter. National Portrait Gallery, London

The private collector who made the British Museum

A new biography of physician-collector Hans Sloane portrays a flawed yet fascinating man

11 Dec 2017
An die Musik, Ragnar Kjartansson

The addictive art of Ragnar Kjartansson

How a seven-hour performance of only ten lyrical lines entranced its audience at the London Contemporary Music Festival

6 Dec 2017

Medardo Rosso: the first modern sculptor

A convincing case is made for the Italian artist’s ambitions, and the need to bring a wider audience to his work

6 Dec 2017
Autumn Arrival, (n.d.), Giorgio de Chirico, Estorick Collection

Reading the riddles of Giorgio de Chirico

Considering the artist’s writing gives us invaluable new ways in which to see his painting

4 Dec 2017

The power and personality of Prince

An exhibition at the O2 in London is as carefully stage managed as anything Prince put on during his lifetime

4 Dec 2017

Florine Stettheimer’s dreamy Jazz Age scenes

The stylish New York salonnière makes her Canadian debut in this enjoyable survey of her paintings

1 Dec 2017

Divine mysteries at Asia House

On its 700th anniversary, Sufi treatise ‘The Garden of Mystery’ continues to inspire today’s Iranian artists

30 Nov 2017
Underground 05 (Tournai’) (detail; 2017), Edith Dekyndt.

The art of slowing down

An exhibition in Glasgow turns our attention towards the ways in which we interact with objects

29 Nov 2017
Head, (2006), Jimmie Durham

The defiant jokes of Jimmie Durham

The artist continues to confound expectations in this display of wit at the Whitney

28 Nov 2017
Eagle Owl, Edward Lear.

The many moods of Edward Lear

Jenny Uglow’s biography brings the writer and artist’s love of contradictions to the fore

24 Nov 2017
Between the Clock and the Bed (1981), Jasper Johns.

The rich repetitions of Jasper Johns

The Royal Academy’s Jasper Johns show captures the complexities of his deceptively simple art

23 Nov 2017
Mme Monet et son fils Jean dans le jardin à Argenteuil

Reconstructing Monet’s private collection

Monet’s hidden art collection goes public in an ambitious exhibition at the Musée Marmottan

22 Nov 2017
The Bachelor’s Ashtray I (1972), Alina Szapocznikow. © ADAGP, Paris 2017. Courtesy The Estate of Alina Szapocznikow / Piotr Stanislawski / Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris. Photo: Fabrice Gousset

The unnerving brilliance of Alina Szapocznikow

The Polish artist’s powerful work is finally being accorded the attention it deserves. Don’t miss the chance to see it in the UK

21 Nov 2017
5000 Feet is the Best (2011), Omer Fast.

There’s more to say about art since 9/11

The Imperial War Museum’s ‘Age of Terror’ exhibition is important, but fails to ask some key questions

20 Nov 2017
Portrait of Madame Marie Hubbard (1874), Berthe Morisot (1841–95) © Ordrupgaard Collection, Copenhagen.

The Danish collector with a passion for French painting

Wilhelm Hansen amassed his impressive collection, now showing at the Musée Jacquemart-André, in only two years

17 Nov 2017
River God (c. 1526–27), Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564). Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence

‘An age riven with contradictory impulses’

The Palazzo Strozzi makes the most of the tensions that fuelled the cinquecento’s creative energy

15 Nov 2017
Portrait of John G. Johnson (1917), Conrad F. Haeseler. Philadelphia Museum of Art, gift of Miss Julia W. Frick and Sidney W. Frick

Rediscovering a priceless collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

A century after it was left to the city of Philadelphia, John G. Johnson’s art collection continues to surprise

13 Nov 2017
Manifesto by Julian Rosefeldt (starring Cate Blanchett)

A moving medley of manifestos

Julian Rosefeldt’s new film looks again at the emotionally charged, political, performative texts that have shaped the course of culture

13 Nov 2017

The medieval marvels in Durham Cathedral’s kitchen

Among the treasures of St Cuthbert in Durham are several of the most remarkable medieval objects to be seen anywhere

11 Nov 2017
Self-Portrait (detail; c. 1650–55), Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. © The Frick Collection

Face to face with Murillo at the Frick

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo’s rare and inventive portraits are on display in New York after a major research and conservation project

9 Nov 2017
Odalisque in Grisaille (c. 1824–34), Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and workshop. © The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Art Resource / Scala, Florence

The artists who gave up colour

Artists throughout the ages have painted in black and white or monochrome. What is the appeal of art without colour?

8 Nov 2017

Keith Vaughan’s private drawings are full of hidden longing

These erotic fantasies reveal how painfully separate the artist kept his private and public lives

4 Nov 2017