
More sensual than a Campbell’s soup can: the collages of Tom Wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann’s collages show that Pop Art could have a more voluptuous – and thoughtful – side.

3 Feb 2016

Carolee Schneemann brings chaos, mess and erotic liberation to Salzburg

Never have chaos and excess been presented so clearly and coherently…

3 Feb 2016

Art of Protest: Student Unrest at Berkeley

Modern student protest was invented at Berkeley

2 Feb 2016

Champagne feminism at the Saatchi Gallery and celebrity women in Wapping

Two exhibitions in London tackle the role and representation of women in art – with decidedly mixed results

27 Jan 2016

In praise of modern Scottish women

How did the Scottish women who went to progressive art schools fare in a reactionary art world?

20 Jan 2016

An Indian Winter in Philadelphia

The PMA’s Indian art galleries may be closed for renovation, but a trio of temporary exhibitions is filling the gap

19 Jan 2016
View of the picture gallery of MASP in December 2015.

São Paulo’s floating art collection is back

Lina Bo Bardi’s innovative approach to collection display has been revived

18 Jan 2016

The history of photography through women’s eyes

Two Paris museums have joined forces to celebrate the work of 165 women photographers

14 Jan 2016
Scenes from the Life of St Colman MacDuagh of Galway

Leading light – the stained-glass windows of Wilhelmina Geddes

A key figure in the Irish Arts and Crafts movement, the designer should also be seen in the context of European modernism

10 Jan 2016

Celts exhibition holds a mirror up to our uncertain Europe

Today’s fragile United Kingdom and Europe are thrown into relief at the British Museum

7 Jan 2016

Rodin moves back to Paris

The sculptor would have approved of the Musée Rodin’s sensitive refurbishment

5 Jan 2016

Andrea del Sarto’s perfect chalk drawings

The Italian artist’s masterful works fully explore the possibilities of chalk

24 Dec 2015

Tullio Lombardo’s great but forgotten sculptures

A new publication by Anne Markham Schulz pieces together the story of the sculptor’s oeuvre

23 Dec 2015

Max Beckmann in Berlin

An exhibition of Max Beckmann’s early works in Berlin reveal the painter’s slow path to maturity, including false starts and missteps as well as successes

18 Dec 2015
Installation image of the Victoria and Albert Museum's Europe 1600 - 1815 Galleries. Photo: David Grandorge

Triumphant new European galleries open at the Victoria and Albert Museum

The museum’s take on ‘Europe 1600–1815’ is nuanced, witty and revelatory

14 Dec 2015

The mysteries of M.C. Escher at the Dulwich Picture Gallery

The familiarity of Maurits Cornelis Escher’s work doesn’t make it any easier to interpret, says Will Wiles

12 Dec 2015

The Missing Mona Lisa

Has Andrew Graham-Dixon uncovered the secrets of art history’s most enigmatic woman?

10 Dec 2015

How Lempad changed the course of art in Bali

Hildred Geertz on a groundbreaking, and lavishly produced, study of the great Balinese painter

5 Dec 2015

Picasso’s best sculptures are the ones he didn’t take terribly seriously

The artist’s smaller, seemingly tossed-off experiments at MoMA have a surprisingly contemporary feel

3 Dec 2015

Not even Stalin could snuff out the legacy of early Soviet photography and film

The Jewish Museum’s exhibition reveals the importance of formal innovation to freedom of expression

1 Dec 2015

Peter Lanyon’s reputation is finally taking off

His gliding pictures at the Courtauld Gallery show an artist in his element

30 Nov 2015

Gertrude Hermes gets a room of her own

The sculptor Gertrude Hermes has often been overshadowed by her contemporaries, but the first major exhibition of her work in 30 years is a chance to see her more clearly

26 Nov 2015

Beyond Modigliani – alternative histories of modern Italian art in New York

Uncovering some of the period’s forgotten stars

23 Nov 2015