Time, Place, Date: On Kawara’s work at the Guggenheim NYC
On Kawara is famous for his date paintings, but he had other ways of marking and thinking about time
Muse Reviews: 22 February
Recent exhibition reviews and previews; from sultans, to Sturtevant, to salted paper prints…
Now you see her, now you don’t: Sturtevant at MoMA
Last chance to visit New York’s exhibition of conceptual copycat art
The Whitworth reopens
Great art, thoughtful curation and a snazzy café: Manchester’s £15 million redevelopment project is a great success
Review: ‘John Golding: Finding the Absolute’ at Piano Nobile
Golding’s rediscovered abstract paintings are the perfect choice to inaugurate Piano Nobile’s new space
‘Magnificent Obsessions’, magnificent show
From teaware to taxidermy: the Barbican’s exhibition is a fascinating insight into artists’ collecting habits
Muse Reviews: 15 February
Jacob Epstein’s babies, revolutionary calendars, Madame Cézanne, and a suitcase full of pictures
‘Lore Krüger: A Suitcase Full of Pictures’ at C/O Berlin
Lore Krüger’s work is a fantastic discovery for the history of photography
Travelling Treasures: The Frick Collection at the Mauritshuis
Masterpieces from New York’s Frick Collection travel to The Hague
The Lady Vanishes: ‘Madame Cézanne’ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No pairing of artist and muse was more complicated, ambivalent, or more richly productive
The Postcard Collector
Sophie Hill celebrates the postcard in a series of pop-up displays of pocket-sized art
Pure abstraction: ‘Sotto Voce’ and the appeal of the abstract white relief
London’s Dominique Lévy Gallery looks again at the 20th-century trend
Revolutionary whimsy: ‘Ruth Ewan: Back to the Fields’ at Camden Arts Centre
Is the artist’s latest show anything more than a charming tribute to a failed experiment?
Family Man: the Foundling Museum presents another side to Jacob Epstein
A candid look at the artist’s portraits of his children
Review: Agostino Bonalumi at Mazzoleni Art, London
Bonalumi was a pivotal figure in post-war Italian abstraction; finally he’s getting the attention he deserves
Fig-2 at the ICA: a rehashed pop-up exhibition that somehow works
Fifty exhibitions in as many weeks; this revival of the ‘fig-1’ project from 15 years ago is a surprising success
Muse Reviews: 8 February
Christian Marclay at White Cube; ‘Self’ at Turner Contemporary; Piero di Cosimo at the NGA Washington; Jeremy Gardiner at Victoria Art Gallery
‘Jeremy Gardiner: Jurassic Coast’ at the Victoria Art Gallery
The most striking of these works are the ones that resist the temptation to represent, that refuse to be too literal about the littoral
‘Never Surrender’ – Luc Tuymans speaks out at his London show
Tuymans made his thoughts about Belgian copyright law known at his exhibition opening last week
Great genius: Piero di Cosimo at the National Gallery of Art, Washington
It’s tempting to focus on the big loans, but the star of this particular show was in Washington all along
Honesty or artifice? Self-portraits at Turner Contemporary
Female artists are well represented in this show; a deliberate strategy that prompts a more critical questioning of the genre
Does Christian Marclay hit the right note at White Cube?
‘Surround Sounds’ is excellent, but not all of Marclay’s latest work lives up to the hype
Muse Reviews: 1 February
Flesh and sex – the legacies of Rubens and Sade; two views of the 20th century’s torn and tattered art; and the story of Lancashire’s philanthropic industrialists
Community conscious? ‘Cotton to Gold’ explores industry and philanthropy
Lancashire collections in London
How to give back looted objects