Apollo Magazine

Francis Alÿs: Ricochets

The Mexico-based artist’s ongoing series focusing on children’s games from around the globe goes on show at the Barbican

Still from Children’s Game #12: Musical Chairs (2012), Francis Alÿs in collaboration with Elena Pardo and Félix Blume. © the artist

Francis Alÿs’s Children’s Games is a powerful video series that captures the innocence and ingenuity of children at play, even within dangerous political climates. Alÿs began the project in 1999, and since then has travelled around the world, documenting ‘leapfrog’ in Iraq, ‘wolf and lamb’ in Afghanistan, ‘musical chairs’ in Mexico and more. The series is being shown for the first time in the UK at the Barbican, in what is the largest solo presentation of the Mexico-based artist’s work in the country for almost 15 years (27 June–1 September). Also included in the exhibition is a new series of animated films by the artist depicting traditional hand games played by both children and adults, as well as a number of paintings and drawings. Find out more from the Barbican’s website.

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Bamiyan, Afghanistan (2010), Francis Alÿs. © the artist

Still from Children’s Game #7: Stick and Wheels (2010), Francis Alÿs in collaboration with Natalia Almada. © the artist

Ciudad Juárez, MX (2013), Francis Alÿs. © the artist

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