Apollo Magazine

Lindsey Mendick: Sh*tfaced

The Margate-based ceramicist’s large-scale installation takes on binge drinking and public shaming

Installation view of SH*TFACED at Jupiter Artland. Photo: John McKenzie

The Margate-based ceramic artist Lindsey Mendick tackles taboo topics and uncomfortable truths with wit and candour. For her first solo exhibition in Scotland, at Jupiter Artland in Edinburgh (until 1 October), Mendick draws inspiration from Robert Louis Stevenson’s gothic novella The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) to explore contemporary issues around public shaming and binge drinking. The show takes the form of a large-scale diptych installation spread across Jupiters Ballroom and Steadings Galleries. In the Ballroom Gallery, the end of a raucous dinner party plays out upon a mirrored dining table, which reflects the grotesque appearances of dinner guests as represented through a series of anthropomorphic vases. Meanwhile, a disorientating nightclub scene – complete with urinals and toilets – is rendered in the Steadings Gallery. Find out more on Jupiter Artland’s website.

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Installation view of ‘Lindsey Mendick: Sh*tfaced’ at Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh. Photo: John McKenzie

Installation view of ‘Lindsey Mendick: Sh*tfaced’ at Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh. Photo: John McKenzie

I tried so hard to be good (2023), Lindsey Mendick. Photo: John McKenzie


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