4 things to see
‘Four things to see this week’ is sponsored by Bloomberg Connects, a free arts and culture platform hosting digital guides to hundreds of museums, galleries and cultural spaces around the world.
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Four things to see: Photography
On the 260th anniversary of the birth of the man who took the first photo, here are four works that highlight bold approaches to photography
Four things to see: Sculpting wood
On the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Jamaican artist Edna Manley, we examine four sculptures carved from wood
Four things to see: Expressionist landscapes
To mark 45 years since the death of Oskar Kokoschka, we select four dramatic landscapes painted in the Expressionist style
Four things to see: Love
This Valentine’s Day, we examine four artworks, spanning more than 2,000 years, inspired by love in its many different forms
Four things to see: Puppets
To mark 85 years since the premiere of Walt Disney’s Pinocchio, here are four artworks that speak to our enduring fascination with puppetry
Four things to see: Paradise lost
On the 350th anniversary of the death of John Milton, we examine four artworks that explore themes of desire, temptation, rebellion and loss
Four things to see: Diwali
As Diwali continues in full swing, it’s the perfect time to explore four objects that capture several elements of the festival and its mythology
Four things to see: Peace
To coincide with United Nations Day, we look at four artworks and objects designed to promote harmony or tranquillity
Four things to see: Dress to express
People have always used clothing to express their individuality and sometimes to rebel against societal norms – as these four artworks and photographs show
Four things to see: Imagination
These four artworks show how the imagination – the incubator of all human creativity – can be drawn on to conjure entirely new worlds
Four things to see: Women poets
To mark 50 years since the death of the poet Anne Sexton, we look at four artworks that demonstrate how women poets have long been a source of inspiration for artists
Four things to see: Tourism
On World Tourism Day, it seems a perfect time to revisit the ways in which artists have depicted global travel over the last two centuries
Four things to see: Sculpture and landscape
Sculptures and their natural surroundings can shape each other in subtle and sometimes visually stunning ways, as these four artworks demonstrate
Four things to see: Data
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of the conceptual artist On Kawara, we look at four artworks that derive their power and meaning from data
Four things to see: Music
In honour of the annual Fête de la Musique, which takes place this year on 21 June, we look at four objects that embody the fertile relationship between art, craft and music
Four things to see: Cars
To mark 180 years since Charles Goodyear got his patent for vulcanised rubber approved, we look at four artworks that capture the appeal of automotives through the years
Four things to see: Heavy weather
As climate change continues to affect the world and the way we see it, here are four paintings of weather events, which serve as dramatic reminders of the power of nature and of human vulnerability
Four things to see: The Venetian School
To mark the anniversary of the death of Tintoretto, we look at four magnificent artworks from the influential Venetian School of painting
Four things to see: Bridges
As 24 May marks the anniversary of the openings of two iconic bridges, we look at how these engineering marvels have been captured in art around the world
Four things to see: Toys and games
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of the Rubik’s Cube, we look at four toys and games spanning centuries and continents that offer different perspectives on how to have fun
Four things to see: The passage of time
To mark the anniversary of the birth of Salvador Dalí, who played all sorts of temporal tricks in his paintings, we look at four artworks that address the forward march of time
Four things to see: Holi
As Hindu communities around the world celebrate Holi, we look at four artworks that depict this vibrantly colourful festival
Four things to see: Isadora Duncan
To mark the anniversary of Isadora Duncan’s first performance in Europe, we look at four artworks that immortalise the trailblazing dancer
Four things to see: Mosaics
In honour of the centenary of Eduardo Paolozzi’s birth, we look at four works that convey the dazzling variety of forms mosaics have taken throughout history
How to give back looted objects