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Art Diary

Playing with Design: Gameboards, Art, and Culture

6 September 2024

Chess, Parcheesi and Chinese checkers, Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders – the many manifestations of the gameboard are the focus of this exhibition at the American Folk Art Museum in New York (13 September–26 January 2025). The show takes a close look at handmade boards from the United States between the mid 18th and early 19th centuries, with thematic sections exploring what these playful objects reveal about American culture, history, design and craftsmanship. More than 100 boards are on display, drawn from the collection of Bruce and Doranna Wendel – many of which are promised gifts to the museum. How gameboards changed in the 20th century is also considered here, with several geometric, brightly coloured designs on display next to similarly styled works by Piet Mondrian, Ellsworth Kelly and Jasper Johns. Find out more from the American Folk Art Museum’s website.

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Parcheesi board (late 19th century). Photo: courtesy American Folk art Museum, New York

Unknown game (first half 19th century). Photo: courtesy American Folk art Museum, New York

Double-sided board in the form of a book (The Sailor’s Bible) (mid to late 19th century), Alfred Cambell (?). American Folk Art Museum, New York